Our Top Travel Destinations
Our Favorite Travel Destinations
On this big blue planet, there are innumerable places on which to mark the “x” for your next destination. Some are popular, some are obscure. Some are expected, some will take your breath away.
While we don’t claim that our collection of top travel destinations will be echoed in industry magazines, we can tell you that there was something very charming and special about each of these locations, and that we will always be adding more cities to the list. Enjoy and bon voyage!
Will you be in Europe over the Holidays? Then by all means, take a look at the infographic below and see if you can fit one of the seven largest European Christmas destinations onto your itinerary. These are Europe’s biggest and most festive holiday fairs, so you are sure to
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Why are we so charmed by these island homes? All throughout Key West, you’ll find crisp, clean homes that feel like a page ripped straight out of a 1940s “Island Vogue” magazine. Set amid lush tropical gardens, most of these original coastal cottages reside on small lots and tend to
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It’s probably safe to say that most people venture into the Key West Butterfly and Nature Conservatory for the obvious reason: butterflies. But if you like plants, even just a little bit, you will no doubt enjoy discovering a variety of tropical species found here. From orchids and ferns to
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It’s not just about butterflies! In this unique enclosed ecosystem, the butterflies rule the aerial domain. But underfoot, and sometimes alongside the butterflies are their fine feathered friends. Koi fish, turtles, flamingoes and an assortment of other birds await at the Key West Butterfly and Nature Conservatory. See for yourself…
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Butterflies: Creatures of Delicate and Ephemeral Wonder Moving from egg to larva to pupal chrysalis before enjoying only 1-2 weeks of life as a winged adult, butterflies have long been revered as amazing creatures. Their transformation, grace, and delicate beauty has helped cement their place in human art, culture, and
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All good books have one thing in common – they are truer than if they had really happened.~Ernest Hemingway We thought this would be just another house tour. We certainly didn’t think our tour guide would be so full of enthusiasm and obscure facts that he really brought Ernest Hemingway
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By far, our favorite pier in Key West was the White Street Pier, and it wasn’t because it was a few blocks’ walk away. (Scroll to the end to see our favorite night shot, btw.) Almost 1/4 mile long and built in 1960, the White Street Pier has an incredible
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Unforgettable Adventure: A Puerto Rico Day Trip From warm sunny beaches to tall misty mountains, Puerto Rico has a wealth of natural beauty. A day trip around the inner loop – from San Juan to Ponce and back – is a great way to enjoy its beautiful landscapes. There are
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