Category: Travel Insights
General travel insights, advice, and perspectives.
Bad Tourist! How to Be an Obnoxious Traveler in Five Easy Steps
Top Tweets: A Collection of Ecotourism Examples and News

We hope you enjoy these nine excellent tweets covering ecotourism news, guidelines, and perspectives. Simply click through the tweets below to learn more about ecotourism and sustainable travel trends. When so many are using these terms freely, the articles and links below reflect the true comprehensive spirit of ecotourism, and
Global Travel Connections : The Art of Personal Engagement

This TED Talk video promises to bring you deeper in touch with the human side of travel. When you travel, are you an ambassador or simply an observer? Can you feel connected despite a language barrier? With expert storytelling and real anecdotes, Judith Fein elegantly and eloquently addresses these questions and
Want Freedom to Travel? TED Talk Video Nails It.
What is Ecotourism and Why is it Important?

“Is Ecotourism some kind of hippie treehugger trend?” “Ummm…NO.” To our question: what IS ecotourism? According to The International Ecotourism Society, the ecotourism definition is: “responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well-being of local people.” “Sounds kind of airy-fairy to me.” “You realize we’ve
Why We Need A Vacation – A Bigger Priority Than You Think

This guest post was contributed by Maura Thomas, a productivity expert, TEDx speaker and published author. Happy Holidays Guides wholeheartedly agrees with her perspective on why we need a vacation (hint: it’s scientific!) and hopes this information helps you make it a priority. Surprise! Having fun may not be the