Travel Insights

Travel Insights MainTravel touches something deep in human nature.

Under our Travel Insights category, you’ll find a collection of perspectives and viewpoints that have helped us achieve more travel wisdom. We may feature curious observations, pose open questions, and share big revelations.

Do you have something moving to share from your travels? Some “a-ha” moments that you learned on the road? Don’t hesitate to contact us with your idea for a guest post — we’ll work with you to polish the article, link back to your site and give you full credit. In the meantime…enjoy the articles you find here.

What is Ecotourism and Why is it Important?

What is Ecotourism

“Is Ecotourism some kind of hippie treehugger trend?” “Ummm…NO.” To our question: what IS ecotourism? According to The International Ecotourism Society, the ecotourism definition is: “responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well-being of local people.” “Sounds kind of airy-fairy to me.” “You realize we’ve

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