International Cost of Living Comparison (Infographic)

Considering Slow Travel?

Instead of a whirlwind week, some people prefer to really get to know a place, staying for one or a few months at a time. These longer “slow travel” stays are a great way to become more immersed in a culture. AND… when you think of the cost savings of renting accommodations for a month or more, this is actually an excellent choice for the budget traveler.

But where can you afford a month or more of travel?

While there are certainly “cheapest place to travel” lists out there, you should remember that factors such as seasonality may have an impact on cost and expenses.

A cost of living comparison by country might be a more stable gauge in considering your travel destination so that you can see how countries stack up against each other. You might even find an area where you can country-hop from one affordable location to another.

Below you’ll find a color-coded guide on relative cost of living in key countries across seven different regions around the globe:

Cost of Living Around the World

Hopefully this international cost of living comparison by country has given you some food for thought and illustrated the varying costs, even among neighbor countries!

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